Discover The 


Benefits Of Baking 

As A Form Of 


The Anxious Bakers’ Club online community and baking workshops encourage you to bake for better mental well-being.


Hi friend, I'm Jess and

I'm here to help you

unlock the mental

health benefits

of baking

Having lived with anxiety and depression since a young age, I’ve leaned on things to help bring comfort and nourish me. Baking has such a powerful grounding presence and has been a constant for me throughout my life. It’s been a form of therapy, taking me out of my anxious mind and proving to my critical brain that I can achieve things. Through lived experience, mental health knowledge and baking expertise, I’m here to help you discover the therapeutic benefits of baking whilst connecting with others.

What We Offer

The Anxious Bakers’ Club is a membership for those who are ready to learn tools to help improve their mental well-being. It’s for those who want to bake, connect with others and hone in on the small things that can improve their mental health.

Step-by-step Recipes

Each month you'll receive a new, step-by-step recipe. Carefully curated from 6+ years baking as a profession. With photos to keep you on track plus tips and tricks.

Video Baking Sessions

Monthly video bake-alongs; a chance to be guided through each month's recipe. With informative prompts along the way and the chance to pause if needed.

A supportive community

Access to our online support group. With regular weekly content; mental health prompts, encouragement to bake, and support for one another.

Our Online Baking Classes will help you Master the Basics and Technicalities of Baking

From light, fluffy scones to how to bake the perfect bread rolls. Our monthly step-by-step recipes will guide you through how to master basic recipes and more challenging bakes. With our video bake-alongs, you’ll get to see first-hand how to bake each recipe, along with tips & tricks.

Things You Will Learn

Comforting Treats

For those days when you need a quick and easy pick me up, you'll learn comforting treats that are simple to bake.

Basics of bread

You'll learn how to make basic doughs from soft white rolls to pizza dough and unlock the therapeutic benefits of bread baking.

Baking techniques

With a mix of easy bakes and technical recipes, you'll learn a host of baking techniques, and improve on those you know.

You're not alone

Through our nurturing online community, you'll learn that you're not alone. Connecting with others is at the heart of what we do.

upcoming recipes

Welcome To Our Mental Health Baking Community

You’re so welcome to join us, whatever your baking knowledge and wherever you’re at.

Ready to find out more about what The Anxious Bakers’ Club membership offers? Tap below to find out more and join the club. The kettle’s on and the cakes are on the table. 

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